

West Ada trustee submits resignation

Posted 4:35 AM, Feb 20, 2016
and last updated 4:44 AM, Feb 20, 2016

West Ada School Board Trustee Dr. Julie Madsen submitted her resignation, effective immediately, at a special school board meeting Friday night, five days after being notified she'd be up for a recall vote in May.

Madsen is one of four trustees up for recall.

"I've come to this decision after a great deal of thought," Madsen said. "I want you to know that I have really tried to consider what's in the best interest of everybody."

Madsen was visibly emotional during her announcement but continuously mentioned the focus of board members should remain on what's in the best interest of students within the district.

"The last thing I would say to those of you, and many are here tonight, who have said, 'Stay and fight and I'll fight with you,' I'm going to ask instead to join me and fighting for our schools, rather than fighting against adults who aren't putting our kids first," Madsen said.

Another topic of discussion tonight was the contract of newly appointed superintendent Dr. Mary Ann Ranells, in which the Board of Trustees passed a motion to extend her contract for one year effective July 1st.

The remaining three board members up for recall - Russ Joki, Carol Sayles and Tina Dean - each have five business days to address the issue from the date of notification.

That five days expires for Trustee Sayles and Trustee Joki on Monday, February 22nd.

Friday night, the board passed a motion to hold another special meeting Monday night, February 22, at 8:00 p.m. to allow Sayles and Joki to respond publicly to those recall efforts.

At the special meeting Monday, they will also be accepting applications for the vacancy of Madsen's position in Zone 4. Interested citizens within that zone are encouraged to come to the meeting with applications ready.

Dean's five days expires Friday, February 26.

The next regularly scheduled board meeting will be held Tuesday night February 23.