

Idaho bill to ban Palcohol heads to governor


BOISE, Idaho (AP) -- A bill prohibiting powdered alcohol in Idaho is headed to Gov. C. L. "Butch" Otter's desk after narrowly passing its final legislative hurdle.

The ban prohibits the use, sale and possession of powdered alcohol, marketed as Palcohol.

It cleared the Senate floor in a 17-16 vote Tuesday.

The U.S. Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau approved Palcohol's product label in early 2015. However, it's not available on the market yet.

Dozens of other states have banned the substance preemptively because of its perceived dangers.

Director of the Idaho State Liquor Division Jeff Anderson supported the ban, saying the substance is dangerous because it's small and can be easily hidden. He says the product could be easily abused by teenagers.

However, opponents say they are concerned about over-regulation.