

Idaho Veterans Garden adding 10 more flower beds


With spring weather in the air, volunteers spent their Saturday morning constructing raised flower beds for the Idaho Veterans Garden.

Western States Cat employees were busy piecing together an additional ten flower beds for the Caldwell garden, bringing the total up to 37 planters.

The garden is meant to be a place for disabled veterans and those suffering from Post-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder to go and bury the past.

Veterans also have the opportunity to meet others.

"A lot of times, it's difficult for veterans to talk to you and me, or the normal people walking down the street and when you get them together they can really communicate with each other and vent," says Steve Pugmire, the warehouse manger for Western States Cat. "And then, they can add life by using these gardens."

All the materials were donated with each flower bed costing an estimated $100.

For more information on current project needs, or how you can get involved, dial (208) 713-3167.