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Boise Public Libraries seek community input for future improvements


Libraries across the city need your help, to see how they can make their facilities better for you.

  • Boise libraries are conducting a community survey to improve their facilities.
  • The survey is part of a long-term facility plan looking ahead 10 to 20 years.
  • Residents can provide feedback on specific locations and the library system in general.

(Below is the transcript from the broadcast story)

I'm your neighborhood reporter Jessica Davis at the Hillcrest Library and the City of Boise libraries are conducting a community survey to see what they need to improve for the future.

City of Boise libraries want to hear from you on how they can make their spaces more comfortable, accessible and welcoming.

"It really is thinking about how do we make sure, our buildings are adaptable, flexible sustainable for all the different usages we have now, and we'll have in the next 10 to 20 years," says Jessica Dorr, Director of the Boise Public Library.

The community surveyis part of the library system's Long Term Facilities Plan, this is to share your opinion on what you want to see long term, anything from more meeting room spaces to additional digital services.

"Let's say you come to Cole and Ustick a lot or downtown a lot you can fill out specific information just for those locations. One location all five locations you get to pick and then you can also talk more broadly about the library system in general."

Jessica Dorr is the director of the Boise Public Library, she says this plan is built from their recent five year Strategic Plan, where they asked people what programing and services they wanted to see from the library.

She says this plan is an extension of the Strategic Plan, and instead of five years this plan looks ahead 10 to 20 years.

"Now that we know what the community is looking for in terms of elevating literacy and supporting lifelong learning and making community connections this is really going to help us plan for what our facilities look like now and in the future," says Dorr.

So far more than 1,400 people have completed the survey.

The city has five library locations across Boise and even if you have a favorite neighborhood library, you can fill out surveys for each location.

"We're asking people what they like to do at our locations what they would like to see more of what's important to them and their experience coming to a library," says Dorr, she continues, "We want to make sure that we are getting as much input as possible because the goal of the library is to serve everyone."

Thesurveywill be open for the entire month of September, once it closes, the library will take the feedback and start community meetings, in November or December. At these meetings, staff will share survey data and have more in-depth community conversations about each facility.