BOISE BENCH, Idaho — Ada County Highway District has been filling potholes across the Valley since Monday making sure drivers get to their destination safely, without the possibility of car damage along the way.
- Ada County Highway urges residents to call ACHD, 208-387-6100 if a pothole needs to be repaired. According to the Deputy Director of Maintenance, Jennifer Berenger crews we'll be dispatched to the area within 24 hours.
- It usually takes crews no more than 30 minutes to make a pothole repair.
- Some residents have experienced an extreme amount of potholes while others, have only had a few bumps in the road.
(Below is the transcript from the broadcast story)
Winter weather brings snow, ice, and eventually potholes.
I'm your Boise Bench neighborhood reporter Jessica Davis and after driving around the Boise Bench and Southeast Boise area I noticed there were fewer potholes now. Compared to earlier this week, so I looked into how local agencies are addressing the problem.
"The potholes are especially bad this year,” says Justin Marvel.
The aftermath of recent winter storms leaves potholes along parts of the Boise Bench, impacting drivers like Justin Marvel.
"I see them all over. I live kind of in the north part of Boise but most of the streets around here have developed some really nasty potholes,” said Marvel.
While some have encountered countless potholes others have had better luck.
Jim Parrish is a long-time resident of Boise, he doesn't use too many roads outside of his neighborhood often, he said, "Not very many, Parkcenter’s fine, Apple Street is fine Boise Avenue is pretty good but just Broadway down there, that gets a little 'potholey’.”
But all week-long crews with ACHD have been responding to reports and filling holes to fix the problem.
"We’ll go out and get to the pothole, clear it out of debris. If it’s got moisture in it, we'll kind of heat it up, dry things out and then we use a cold mix, so they put the cold mix asphalt in, tamper it down, compact it, and then it's good to go,” said Deputy Director of Maintenance for ACHD, Jennifer Berenger.
Last year ACHD put down a chip seal on the east side of town and the Boise Bench. The chip seal keeps moisture in the ground to prevent chips or holes. Next, they’re targeting the foothills, but when it comes to quick pothole repairs...
"We’re seeing some of our pothole fixes from last winter popping out this winter, but it's just sometimes the way it is, but we get to it as soon as we hear about it,” said Berringer.
ACHD covers over 5,000 miles of roadways so if they miss a pothole or two, they urge residents to call the agency at 208-387-6100. According to Berenger once they get that call crews will be dispatched within 24-hours.