CALDWELL, Idaho — While many look forward to dinner time on Thanksgiving, others wake up early to run a turkey trot. This year, Caldwell hosted its turkey trot to support two local nonprofits— Boise Rescue Mission and Camp Rainbow Gold.
- Many runners brought food drive donations or made donations to Camp Rainbow Gold.
- Some families have run this trot before but others decided to make it a new tradition.
(Below is the transcript from the broadcast story)
On a festive day when many focus on dinnertime, others wake up early to run a 5k turkey trot in support of their favorite local organizations.
"This run is really all about giving back to the community and doing something awesome on Thanksgiving day," said Fleet Feet Treasure Valley Owner Megan Lacy.
Megan Lacy owner of Fleet Feet Treasure Valley tells me even on a cold day it means a lot to see people come out to support.
"We actually give back to a lot to Boise Rescue Mission as well as Camp Rainbow Gold," said Lacy.
While others brought food drive donations, many also donated to Camp Rainbow Gold.
What made these folks wake up early on Thanksgiving day to run a 5k?
"To work the body, to run the trot, to eat lots of turkey," said Trot Runners.
"We are excited to be together as a family and this is a new thing for us. We've never done it before but a friend invited us so we think it's going to be a blast," said Caldwell trot runner Jessica Bates.
"We just really wanted to do a 5k this year for Thanksgiving and we thought it would be fun to dress up as like turkeys," said Caldwell trot runner Jacie Monice.
As runners finished, many looked forward to their favorite dish.
"I can definitely mess with some ham," said Caldwell trot runner Emmit Bates
"Probably the pumpkin pie," said Caldwell trot runner Darian Bates
"Well mac and cheese for sure is a great Thanksgiving side dish," said Monice