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'Add the Words' rally marks 10 years since historic Idaho LBGTQ+ hearing


BOISE, Idaho — Supporters of LGBTQ+ rights gathered at the Idaho State Capitol on Sunday for the “Rally and Radiance” event, marking the 10th anniversary of the state’s only public hearing on adding sexual orientation and gender identity to the Idaho Human Rights Act.

Nikson Matthews, a policy advocate with Add the Words, Idaho, said the event was a reminder of the movement’s ongoing fight.

“It's emotional for people, especially LGBTQ+ folks who were younger and saw this happen,” Matthews said. “They look to these people who are fighting for us, and it’s so important that we continue to fight for the younger generation after us.”

The 2015 hearing lasted 24 hours and included testimony from Idahoans sharing personal experiences of discrimination. It followed years of protests and arrests at the Capitol but ultimately did not result in new protections.

Former state Sen. Cole LeFavour, Idaho’s first openly gay legislator, recalled the frustration of bringing the bill forward year after year without success.

“You told your stories of what it's like to be turned away from businesses, feared that you would lose your jobs or your apartments,” LeFavour said.

Despite being reintroduced annually, the bill has not moved forward in the Republican-controlled Legislature.

“They told us, no, there won’t be a hearing this year, but maybe next year,” LeFavour added. “And after a while, we didn’t believe them anymore.”

Some lawmakers believe the legislation is unnecessary. Sen. Ben Adams (R) said he feels current laws already provide equal protections.

“I think the worldview that they bring is not in line with the majority of Idahoans,” Adams said. “My perception is that the current law already provides protections equally to all Idahoans.” He continued, “Frankly, you can’t tell someone to stay out of my bedroom and simultaneously say, but I want you to protect what I do in my bedroom from the state. That becomes a real challenge."

Matthews pointed to recent legislation, arguing that protections are still needed.

“This year alone, we've seen six bills—two flag bills, a marriage memorial,” Matthews said.

LeFavour closed the rally with a message to those continuing the fight.

“No matter what happens, like me, you have disco shoes,” LeFavour said. “No matter where you are, you can look down at your feet and know who you are.”

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