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Idaho’s proposed marijuana bill is on its way to the governor's desk

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BOISE, Idaho — A $20 dollar weed purchase could get you a $300 fine if lawmakers get their way with House Bill 7. The new legislation targets marijuana users and sets a minimum fine for marijuana possession that didn't exist previously.

"I think there should be some kind of fine, but 300 dollars just seems steep to me,” says Julie Jones, a local resident.

Following a 27-8 senate vote, HB 7 will now make its way to the Idaho Governor's Office for final approval.

"Every dollar spent on pot is money not spent on food, clothing, school supplies, real medicine, or housing,” said Senator Brandon Shippy.

HB 7 implements a minimum 300 fine for first-time convictions of marijuana possessions of up to three ounces. Only a few lawmakers voted against the bill, claiming a mandatory minimum removes the judge's ability to make independent decisions on a case-by-case basis.

Rep Soñia Galaviz says, “There may be certain circumstances involved in this situation that would leave a judgment or a verdict to go one way, but because there's that mandatory minimum— it requires that they impose the same penalty for everyone no matter what the circumstances are.”

So those purchasing less than 3 grams of marijuana and others purchasing up to 3 ounces could face the same penalties, even if it's their first conviction.

"I do know people who make that trip and... it just seems, stupid I guess,” says Jones referring to residents who travel out of state to buy marijuana for personal use.

While most lawmakers support the bill, it's now up to the governor to decide what's next.

“Idaho is going about this drug situation in the proper way. We’re drawing the line in the sand and saying no,” says Senator Daniel D. Foreman.

This bill will now go to Governor Brad Little's office. We will continue to update this story.