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Eagle City Council approves proclamation making Eagle a non-sanctuary city

Mayor Brad Pike says this decision will not change much for the city

EAGLE, Idaho — Eagle City Council approved a local's request to proclaim the city of Eagle as a non-sanctuary city.

  • An unidentified local brought the idea to the council's attention.
  • The council voted yes on approving the proclamation across the board.
  • Mayor Pike says not much will change in Eagle as there are no programs aimed at immigration and there are no plans in the future.

(Below is the transcript from the broadcast story)

Eagle has never been considered a sanctuary city. But, a recent city council meeting confirmed that. I sat down with Mayor Brad Pike to learn if this declaration really changes anything for anyone living here in the city.

"A resolution or proclamation is just a statement, stating that we are not a sanctuary city," said Mayor Pike.

On June 9th Eagle City Council approved one citizen’s request that the city claim itself as a non-sanctuary city after rumors circulated on the internet of illegal immigrants being dropped off in Boise. But Mayor Pike, who was not a part of the vote, says it did not concern him as he believed that the city was at no threat.

Mayor Pike continued, "There would have been no reason to even think about tax dollars going to legal or illegal immigrants. We don't have any programs set up. We are not planning on any programs for the city of Eagle."

Poder of Idaho issued a statement on July 18th condemning this move by the city saying, “This act not only undermines the values of inclusion and respect that our community stands for, but it also risks the safety and well-being of our immigrant neighbors.”

But inclusion is not the issue Mayor Pike says the city is addressing.

"We are not going to profile people. If you are here legally from any country, you have the right to be here. If you're not here legally, well that is something that somebody else should address at a higher level than the citizens and the city of Eagle. But the fact that some citizens and one of our council members brought it to our attention that there was a need they felt for a statement to be made that we are a non-sanctuary city, it was implemented by a vote from the council," explained the mayor.