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Immunization advice for back to school. Idaho trails the nation in immunization rates.

Idaho's low immunization rate puts the state's population at risk for losing herd immunity.

BOISE — (Verbatim of story is below)

Back to school is a great time to get your vaccinations.

I’m Roland Beres. It’s Wellness Wednesday where we’re healthier together and schools require certain vaccinations barring extreme circumstances.

And the idea is to ensure all all kids stay safe.

Immunizations are a modern marvel that has saved millions of lives.

“We’ve seen really the eradication of diseases like polio that just two generations ago killed an uncle of mine so it’s not that long ago there were these catastrophic diseases that are now eradicated.” says Dr. Daniel Meltzer.

And back to school is a great time to schedule a visit with your child’s doctor.

“At least once a year you want to make sure kids are up to date not only in their general health but their immunizations,” says Meltzer.

Idaho’s immunization rate has dropped the past three years to the point where herd immunity is in serious jeopardy.

And new diseases crop up from time to time like covid.

A vaccination for the latest strain should be available in September.

"We’re also going to recommend a new covid vaccine we continue to see evolution of the covid 19 virus so it’s important that Indviduals stay up to date and get the latest socks vaccine.even if they’re had covid or a vaccine recently,” says Meltzer.

You can opt out of Idaho’s Immunization program for medical, religious or other reasons. But you must fill out paperwork to indicate your preference.

For wellness Wednesday, I’m senior reporter Roland Beres Idaho News Six.