NewsHealthier Together


Wellness Wednesday: Protecting your eyes during dangerous activities


BOISE, Idaho — Proper eye protection is vital, and that's this week's focus of Wellness Wednesday. I’m senior reporter Roland Beres and through these stories we can be healthier together.

(Below is verbatim of story that aired on-air)

Yardwork and summer projects are the source of one of the more common injuries.

"People don't think about it they say I don't wear glasses or it's not sunny therefore I don't need to protect my eyes. So every shift in the ER we see people coming in with foreign bodies in their eyes which really is painful,"

There's two things about a stick in the eye: One….

"It hurts a lot" said Dr. Meltzer.

And two: it can cause real damage to the eye. And it's easily preventable.

"So wearing protective glass often a polycarbonate lens will prevent something getting in there whether it's working on our cars, underneath our cars looking up. Or working outside clipping trees tree clippings and things like that. Absolutely."

A simple pair of safety glasses can cost just a few dollars.

Eye surgery? … that's a different story."

"We are often pretty good at removing foreign objects from the eye but it can be uncomfortable and it certainly is not without risk"

And not without a substantial cost as well.