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Twin Falls Area Chamber of Commerce opens award nominations

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TWIN FALLS, Idaho — The Twin Falls Area Chamber of Commerce is now accepting nominations for its annual Person of the Year and Lifetime Achievement Awards.

Since the 1980s, the chamber has hosted this event to recognize people who have made significant contributions to the community.

“The award is given for a variety of engagements so, certainly engaging with the Chamber we appreciate that but really, being an integral part of the community and helping to make good things happen,” said Shawn Barigar, Chamber of Commerce President.

The chamber is anticipating more nominations in this year's "Person of the Year" category than in years prior because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic that has caused so many people to try and step up to do their part.

“With COVID relief, with various fundraisers, food drives, all kinds of things that were tied into that. So as people are thinking about folks to nominate just, who really stepped up and helped out these last few months,” said Barigar.

The Lifetime Achievement Award is given to a person who has lived in the community for at least ten years and throughout that time has either volunteered, help serve, or worked to add to the area's quality of life.

Debbie Dane earned the Lifetime Achievement Award back in 2016 through her efforts to promote Twin Falls tourism.

For her, these awards showcase the collective effort of all the individuals who work to help make this area great.

“Not only was this award to me individually but it was for everybody that we worked with. It was for the board of directors that helped in every way possible and the members of the communities we were huge partners with," said Dane.

Debbie says receiving the award motivated her to continue her efforts in helping where she can.

“I volunteered in a number of capacities since that time, and it really does fuel your wanting to be a part of the community. In my case it did," said Dane.

To nominate someone for an award, a handwritten letter must be submitted to the Chamber by April 2. That letter must include who is being nominated, why the person is being nominated, biographical information, a list of their volunteer work, and contact information.

The award recipients will be announced at the Chamber's Business Day Breakfast on April 22.

For more questions, call the Chamber at 208-733-3974.