NewsMagic Valley


Twin Falls Prepares for Phase One of Governor Little's Statewide Plan

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TWIN FALLS — May 1st is the first day of phase one in Governor Little's four stage plan to reopen the state of Idaho. There is both excitement and a bit of nervousness as it's the first time many buinesses will be able to open their doors again since the stay at home order.

Phase one of the government's plan allows for non essential businesses, that are not on the excluded lists such as bars, gyms and hair saloons to start operations. Other facilities that can start opening again include places of worship and daycare establishments.

Owner of Rudy's- A Cook's Paradise, Tom Ashenbrener had this to say about his business re-opening on Friday,“People can come together in tough times like this is. So we look forward to seeing them and I think things are going to go very smoothly and safe.”

The re-opening of many businesses will be a tough adjustment as both employees and customers will have to be responsible and respect the care for the public's health as best they can.

All businesses are encouraged to follow guidelines and protocols prompted by the state to practice safe hygiene. Rudy's will be limiting the amount of occupants in their store, implement social distancing, and have multiple sanitation stations throughout their store.

Due to the a variety of different businesses opening, there is not enough people to oversee which businesses are and are not following the guidelines.

Economic Development Director of Twin Falls, Nathan Murray stated "We encourage the public if they have concerns to call us, if they want to us send an officer out. We can get some feedback from our city attorney and others who are monitoring this as well.

Businesses that are set to open in phase two, such as restaurants will have to send in a plan to the city or health department and get the "OK" to start up operations again. Phase two is set to start May 16th but could get pushed back if there is an increase in COVID cases throughout the state.