KUNA, Idaho — Neighbors are speaking out, as a large solar farm is being proposed in a rural farming community, south of Nampa and Kuna. The proposed solar farm would be located next to the Bowmont Substation.
- The proposed solar farm could cover up to 2,385 acres.
- Community members have started Idaho Against Industrial-Scale Solar | Preserve Rural Communities. Now, they're inviting anyone interested in learning more to attend their Saturday, April 13 meeting at 6:30 pm, at the Melba Senior Center.
- Savion, a Renewable Energy Company, owns the Powers Butte Energy Center project, they are inviting community members to their Tuesday, April 16 meeting at 5:30 pm at the Tower Theater in Melba.
(Below is the transcript from the broadcast story)
“The more I got looking into the details of it all… I got a lot more worried… for our community, for our farmers, for my children,” said Justine Krivanec, a mother and resident near the proposed solar panel farm.
Residents in the Bowmont community are speaking out about a proposed solar farm that could stretch more than 2000 acres [2,385].
“Basically all this green, lush, prime farm ground that we see around us. This surrounds my dad’s 40 acres," said resident Dustin Ferdinand.
“Here in Idaho, we’re a rural community, this is our beauty, this is what people are moving here to be around. I don’t want to lose that, I don’t want my kids to lose that,” said Krivanec.
Savion, a Renewable Energy Company, owns the Powers Butte Energy Center project, that will be adjacent to the Bowmont Substation… And cross two counties…
“This isn’t just Ada County, this is Canyon County as well. It’s essentially split in half, we’re talking between Southside [Blvd] and Robinson [Rd].” said Krivanec.
Savion’s Director of Development tells me “solar projects of this size create hundreds of local jobs during the construction phase and contribute to the local tax base.”
“We’ve had multiple meetings with the development company and they want to say they ‘want to be this good neighbor, they want to be a good member of the community,’ and if you’re not within a few feet of this project, you will not be notified,” said Ferdinand.
The company says they don't have a buyer for the power quite yet, but do expect it to benefit customers on Idaho Power's system.
I reached out to Idaho Power and they let me know that new energy resources are needed in the growing Treasure Valley, but they confirmed there is no contract with Savion at the moment.
A community meeting for the Idaho Against Industrial-Scale Solar group will be April 13th at the Melba Senior Center.

“It’s not a done deal, it’s a long process and this meeting is to get the community involved, let’s get the truth known about it. We need help, to research this and get the true facts, and get them spread, to the Ada County hearing on May 8th,” explained Ferdinand.