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'These flags stand for all people'; American Legion members retire damaged flags from Cloverdale overpass


KUNA, Idaho — It was a cold crisp Tuesday morning at the Idaho State Correctional Center where dozens of veteran inmates and members of several American Legion posts gathered for a weekly ceremony to retire damaged flags.

This time, including those from the Cloverdale overpass, honoring the three US airmen who lost their lives in an accident in 2018.

"To honor the flag, it is not to honor one political party or specific branch. It's to honor all Americans. All free citizens of our world. Those who served and those who are just good citizens and neighbors," said American Legion Post 201 Commander, Albert Ciccone.

As we reported, the Cloverdale flags were replaced last week after someone covered more than 20 flags with blue spray paint. Ciccone served 9 years in the US Air Force and says while people have the right to free speech, it should not involve tarnishing the stars and stripes — especially at a memorial.

RELATED: Cloverdale Overpass memorial flags removed after vandalism

Ciccone added, "They should know that these flags stand for all people. The airmen that died in that crash, that memorial was made for them."

Boise police are still investigating the vandalism. Anyone with information should contact police.

"Flags aren't just made for Memorial Day and Veterans Day. They are for all year. please respect our flag. Know when you tear down that flag, you are tearing down more people you intend to hurt. You tear down our entire republic," finished Ciccone.