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Idaho's Resto Clean and Grace Center team up to aid Southern California fire victims


NAMPA, Idaho — With tens of thousands of homes destroyed by fires in southern California, the clean-up will be extraordinary.

Nampa's Resto Clean wants to help.

Resto Clean is used to cleaning up the aftermath of a single house fire like the one in Meridian earlier this month.

"You’re just cleaning up, yeah, debris. But it’s more the process to get to that with all the inspections and everything with the insurance and you know, the fire. That's the lengthy part,” said Resto Clean owner Nate Morris.

In local situations, Resto Clean sets displaced families up with an emergency phone and food and helps them get wood to board up their windows or building.

"My wife and I were sitting watching the news one night, and we were just looking at the pure devastation that was there, and she was asking me, ‘Hey, are you gonna go to like, are you guys wanting to go? I mean you’re a restoration company,'" Morris said.

Resto Pro teamed up with Nampa's Grace Center, which has been collecting donations from individuals and businesses to be sent in totes directly to Los Angeles.

Grace Center's Keith Waggoner has worked with Los Angeles-based Dream Center in the past.

"It's been a great partnership that we've had with them across the years," Waggoner said.

Resto Clean and The Grace Center are collecting donations in totes at the Nampa and Boise Resto Clean locations, every Nampa Fire Department, Nampa Police Station, and Caldwell Fire Station 3.

These totes include love letters to each person affected in southern California, each containing a letter telling a person in need "Love, Idaho."

Cash contributions will be used to purchase additional totes to transport the donations and cover the cost of transporting the donations.

"It's a massive endeavor. It'll be years before they are even close. But we can do our small part in this by helping them feel loved by Idaho," Morris finished.

For up-to-date donation information check out
Love, Idaho Facebook
Love, Idaho
Dream Center LA