BOISE, Idaho — The 34th recruit academy at the Boise Fire Training Center started on Monday. 14 firefighter recruits will train for 17 weeks, learning the skills needed for the job.
The division chief says the training is demanding physically and emotionally, something one recruit says makes it all worth it.
"They had a table here with all our gear out. It was really exciting to walk in here and see it all lined up with our names on it," said Brian Wiggins, recruit. "A lot of us say it's a dream come true."
Today kicks off our spring recruit academy. There are 14 future firefighters in this class. 🚒 It's taken a lot of hard work for them to get to this point. Today they spent their afternoon becoming familiar with their personal protection equipment. #BoiseFireRecruitAcademy
— Boise Fire Dept. (@BoiseFire) March 9, 2020
The 17 week course will focus on firefighter one skills. Firefighter two skills are earned working alongside the Boise Fire Department in real world situations.