

A Democratic presidential candidate is coming to Boise on March 7. See who it is

and last updated

UPDATE: Elizabeth Warren will replace Buttigieg as the speaker at the Gala, according to Idaho Democrats. The Saturday event is sold but there is a waiting list available.

Original Story:

This story was written by Cynthia Sewell and was originally published on the Idaho Statesman.

Idaho’s presidential primary is rapidly approaching, which means the Gem State could get some high-profile campaign stops.

And the first one has just been announced.

Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg, the former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, will be in Boise on March 7 to hold a town hall meeting. The time and location have not been announced.

Often referred to as “Mayor Pete” because of the his tongue-tripping last name (say: boot-edge-edge), Buttigieg received the endorsement of Boise Mayor Lauren McLean on Monday.

“It’s time for a new generation of leaders who can move beyond the polarization of today and inspire us to transcend partisanship, calling us to a higher sense of duty and purpose. My friend Pete Buttigieg is a rare leader who can do just that,” McLean said in a news release from Buttigieg’s campaign.

“Though our nation feels more divided than ever, Pete reminds us of our shared American values of decency, integrity and service. He also knows that ours is a vast America — including flyover places like South Bend and Boise — where neighbors care less about the chaos of politics and more about their paychecks, their families, their neighbors.”

Early voting is underway in several Idaho counties, including Ada and Canyon, for Idaho’s March 10 presidential primary, which includes candidates for the state’s Constitution, Democratic and Republican parties.

Including Buttigieg, Idaho’s Democratic presidential primary ballot has 17 candidates.