

A.G. Labrador's First 100 Days on the Job

Attorney General Raul Labrador sits down with Don Nelson

BOISE, Idaho — If you follow Idaho politics, you know the name Raul Labrador.

The State Representative turned Congressman and Gubernatorial candidate, Labrador is now running the Attorney General's office his way, like it or not.

We were invited to talk with him about his first 100 days in office. Raul Labrador makes no apologies for his conservative values and personal views but says when it comes to his new job, it's all business.

"It would actually be an unethical violation for me to do something that goes outside of the law or jurisdiction of this office."

As far as Idahoans who didn't support his campaign, Labrador says "Let's talk".

"I think you've heard me say this before Don, when in Congress, my favorite letter was from people who didn't vote for me but said thank you for the service I provided for them."

Labrador doesn't shy away from hot-button issues. He's on record saying "In Idaho, we protect women and the unborn." I asked what about protecting the woman's right to choose?

"The Supreme Court said that's up to the states to decide whether a state should allow an abortion or not, and the state of Idaho has chosen to protect the rights of the unborn and to protect the health of the life of a mother in cases of abortion."

Labrador announced back in January the filing of a lawsuit against the Biden administration over the expansion of a plan he called unlawful to parole illegal immigrants. So where do we stand with that lawsuit?

"It's still pending and we're going to continue to take the Biden administration on this so if they are not going to enforce the law or make it easier to encourage the cartels to bring more people to the United States."

The Idaho Attorney General also has his eyes on TikTok.

"We're actually now looking at whether we should engage in our litigation against TikTok. We haven't made a decision yet but there are some big problems they keep advertising to the public. They won't be going after minors but they still are making it accessible on the web."

And when asked if he's using the Attorney General's office as a bridge to get behind the Governor's desk?

"Actually that's a great question, no one has asked it that way. No. I'm not using this office for a bridge. I really like this office but what happens in four years, I have no idea."

So we'll wait and see about that. And what about that grade? Labrador gives himself an "A" for his first 100 days in office.