

ACHD Approves 5-Year Plan for Improvements

Many roads projected to be expanded through 2028

BOISE, ID — Ada County Highway District held a hearing Wednesday night, passing a new Integrated 5-Year Work Plan and discussing the plan's execution.

Kristy Inselman the Planning and Programming Supervisor at ACHD, explained "There's a wide variety of projects. There are road and intersection projects, community programs, maintenance, and bridges."

Inselman said that they will be working on some major projects right off the bat starting in 2024.

Listing off some of the projects Inselman said, "Eagle Road, from Lake Hazel to Amity is going to be widened. The intersection at Lake Hazel is going to be included in that.” These kinds of projects Inselman says will go all the way through 2028.

Talking with residents last week, many believed that this plan isn't just to maintain roads but to make sure they can soothe the flow of traffic as the population in the Treasure Valley grows.

One resident said, “With the growth we’ve had, the infrastructure just can't handle the speed of the growth that we've had. But with a little bit of planning, we can overcome it.”

The plan passed 3 - 2 with Commissioners Hansen and Mckinney casting the two dissenting votes, citing budget and timeline issues.

If you would like to see what roads and intersections are in the plans to be updated you can visit the ACHD interactive map on their website.