
ACHD seeks feedback on 5th Street and 6th Street Conversion


The Ada County Highway District (ACHD) is evaluating the conversion of 5th and 6th Streets, between Fort and Myrtle streets, from one-way to two-way operation.

An open house for public feedback is scheduled for April 13 at 11:30 am to 1:00 pm or 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm at the Basque Center, 601 Grove Street. 

Nicole DuBois. ACHD public information specialist, said ACHD is considering a few options for the streets including leaving them as they are, doing a partial conversion or completing a full conversion to two-way operation. 

Converting the roads could cut down on downtown parking spaces.

"We'd have to look at removing about 54 parking spaces, on-street parking spaces, to add turn lanes," Dubois said. 

Those unable to attend the open house can submit theirfeedback and opinions online.