

ACHD taking on winter operations

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MERIDIAN, Idaho — Monday's new snowfall is not a concern, but all the snow that accumulated since Friday kept ACHD employees working around the clock to keep roads safe.

“In the more urban areas the roads are looking really good, but our crews are finding that the areas that are a little more rural are the areas that need to have a little more treatment so we’ve doubled up on crews in that area,” said Natalie Shaver with Ada County Highway District.

ACHD has 64 trucks capable of treating the roads, 46 plows to clear roads, and plenty of magnesium chloride and salt or salt mixtures to keep roads from freezing over. But with more snow expected later this week, don’t expect snowplows on neighborhood or side streets.

Ada County Highway District operates on a priority system.

“We identify which roads we need to plow first. We need to make sure that priority one is clear," Shaver said. "By the time we would be able to get to some of those residential roads, typically the weather has melted most of those problem areas.”

Priority No. 1 includes busy roads, major intersections, overpasses, bridges, hospitals, fire stations, schools and railroad crossings.

As winter weather pushes forward ACHD is also reminding you to keep your storm drains clear of any debris or snow pile-ups during this winter weather as clogged drains could lead to localized flooding in your neighborhood. You can find the storm drains in your neighborhood here.