

Ada County Elections conducts logic and accuracy test


BOISE, Idaho — Election day is right around the corner and with the November 7th date quickly approaching, Ada County Elections held their logic and accuracy test.

The tabulation room is split into three main functions ballot creation, central scanning, and tabulation.

Saul Seyler is the Election Director for Ada County Elections, he says “This is where we count or tabulate ballots, and what we're going to do is show that we have no ballots counted for this test everything will be at zero.”

Next, election day ballots, absentee ballots, and early voting ballots are run through all of their equipment to ensure the machines are working correctly for every vote type.

Although ballots are run through a machine, they are also counted by hand

Seyler says, “We'll take the time to count all these ballots by hand, that's a three-person board one person is calling two people are counting so we can ensure that not only is the machine reading correctly but we're getting the same results by hand.”

Ada County Clerk Trent Tripple says voter turnout for this year has been higher than normal, and there are a few more days until election day. Voters have until Friday, November 3rd, to cast their ballots for early voting.

“People need to know that they can trust in our election systems. They need to know that their vote counts. We here at Ada County are 100 percent transparent. We want everyone to be able to trust in their process and know that their vote is being counted on election day,” says Election Director Saul Seyler.

Seyler says for this election they hope to have everything done by midnight.