MALHEUR COUNTY, Oregon — Malheur County Search and Rescue is looking for a missing Boise woman.
A Facebook post shared by the organization states 27-year-old, Gwen Brunelle was last seen on June 26 in Jordan Valley, Oregon. The post goes on to say her car was found a short distance west of Highway 95 along Succor Creek Road on June 30.
Several crews are aiding in the search, including Malheur County Search and Rescue, Idaho Mountain Search and Rescue Unit, Ontario Fire and Rescue as well as a group of volunteers, according to the Malheur County Search and Rescue Facebook page.
David Kesey, Undersheriff for Malheur County Sheriff's Office, says one of their officers came across Brunelle's vehicle and decided to run the tags.
“He saw a vehicle down there he ran license plate and that's where it came back that she was reported out of Boise as a missing person," says David Kesey,
“This kind of area where sometimes there's cars parked here and there, and I think it was late enough at night or something that he thought he would check the registration make sure it wasn't anything.”
According to Idaho Missing Persons Clearinghouse, Brunelle is 5 foot 7 and 130 pounds with red hair and brown eyes.

With a holiday on the horizon, officials are working out how best to continue their search.
“Basically, regrouping seeing if we can get some more information or following up on a couple of other things just trying to get the timeline down, last seen location those kinds of things trying to get a timeline down last seen location those kinds of things,” says Undersheriff Kesey.
If you have seen Brunelle, you're asked to call the Malheur County Sheriff's Office at 541-473-5125.