

Back the blue flag-waving event gives support to law enforcement

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BOISE, Idaho — A few dozen people gathered on the street to support local law enforcement in Boise.

This back the blue flag-waving event was put together my the MAGA chapter of Idaho, who invited everybody for a non-political family-friendly event.

"We want to let the police officers here know that we support them, we back them and we appreciate everything they do in keeping our communities safe," said Carrie Fleming the organizer of the event.

People who have family members in law enforcement recent events have them frightened for the future.

"It scares me to death there is an unknown certainly of what could happen down the road," said Tracy Mathews, who has a son who works as a cop in California. "They put their lives on the line nobody seems to care and it's not right."

George Floyd's death at the hands of the Minneapolis police sparked riots and protests have broken out across the country, but these demonstrators also feel those officers should be punished.

"Justice needs to be served for the police officers who commit bad acts," said Fleming. "But they shouldn't be bunched together and lumped into one sum because not all police officers are bad."

In Boise, none of the protests turned violent, and in covering the protests the past two weeks, people told us the police here in Idaho do a good job compared to other places in the country.

"The police that I've run into here has been pretty fair," said Terrell White at a protest two weeks ago. "I actually commend the police here for the way they react and the way they do their job."

But those protests also showcased the growing animosity towards police, including signs to defund the police.

"I don't agree with what everybody has been saying," said Mathews. "There are good officers, and they deserve to be supported."

And that's the message the people at the back the blue event wanted to get out in a peaceful way.