

BLM looks to improve Jump Creek Recreation Site through day-use fees

Jump Creek Falls

MARSING, Idaho — The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is seeking public comment on their proposed day-use fees at Jump Creek Recreation Site.

BLM says that in the last six years, recreation at the site has nearly doubled.

These fees would go towards improving the overall visitor experience as well as covering increased operational, maintenance and emergency response costs. These costs include include trash removal, vault toilet pumping, improving picnic site amenities, graffiti removal and road and trail maintenance.

The proposal includes a $5 per vehicle day-use fee or a $25 annual pass. These could be implemented as early as this summer and would remain fixed for ten years.

“These fees will enable BLM to improve services, add amenities desired by visitors and help offset costs incurred to administer the site, as well as for our partners at Owyhee County, who assist with enforcement patrols and search and rescue efforts,” said BLM Boise District Manager Tanya Thrift.

The full plan can be viewed online and public comments will be accepted through October 2, 2023. BLM reminds the public that these comments can be made publicly available at any time, so exercise caution when revealing personal identifying information.

If you'd like to comment, BLM can be reached through the following means:


Fax: 208-896-5940

U.S. Mail: BLM Owyhee Field Office, 101 S. Bruneau Hwy., Marsing, ID 83639