

BLM to hold meetings on Owyhee County plan

BLM to hold meetings on Owyhee County plan

The Bureau of Land Management is beginning a study to find any possible environmental impacts of a proposed travel management plan for public lands in western Owyhee County. 

The BLM has scheduled a six-week public comment period and two public meetings to help identify appropriate areas for motorized and non-motorized recreation.

What’s being called The Silver City Travel Management Plan will cover the far western portion of Owyhee County, roughly south and west of Highway 78, east of the Oregon border, and north of the Backcountry Byway (Mud Flat Road). It will establish a system of routes providing access to BLM-managed lands for multiple-use activities -- while addressing concerns related to cultural resources, wildlife habitat, user conflicts, noxious weeds and invasive species, according to a BLM news release.

“This Travel Management Plan effort is an example of working with our partners and the public to promote multiple-use activities on public lands -- by ensuring access for traditional land uses, such as grazing, and for recreational activities --  while being mindful of areas with resource concerns,” said Acting BLM Owyhee Field Manager Brian Thrift.

Detailed information and maps will be available on Feb. 13. Information on the Silver City TMP can be found at

The six-week comment period will begin Feb. 13 and end March 30. Comments will be accepted via e-mail at; via at 208-896-5940; or via surface mail at BLM Owyhee Field Office, 20 First Ave West, Marsing ID, 83639.

The BLM is also inviting all interested parties to participate in public meetings at the following two locations:

 Feb. 27, 2018
 Nampa Civic Center
 311 Third St. S
 Nampa, ID
 5-7 p.m.

 Feb. 28, 2018
 Owyhee County Museum
 17085 Basey Street
 Murphy, ID
 5-7 p.m.

Those who provide comments are advised that before including their personal identifying information (address, email, phone number) they should be aware that the entire comment –- including their personal identifying information –- may be made publicly available at any time. While those commenting can ask in their comments to withhold this information from public review, the BLM cannot guarantee that they will be able to do so, according to the BLM news release.

For more information, you’re urged to contact the BLM Owyhee Field Office at 208-896-5912.