

Bogus Basin to open Winter Operations on Saturday, Nov. 25

Bogus Basin snow making

BOISE, Idaho — With nothing but the best of intentions, Bogus Basin announced that it is postponing its Thanksgiving weekend operations opening until Saturday, 25.

Originally hoping to open on Friday, the decision for the one-day delay is to allow an extra day of snowmaking to create optimal conditions for mountain recreators.

Mountain Operations Director Nate Shake released this statement today:

Temperatures are expected to drop Thursday, allowing us to begin making snow around the clock. This extra day of snowmaking will contribute to a better experience for our guests and allow us to open more terrain soon.

The Coach Chairlift, Easy Rider Carpet, and Explorer Carpet will be open from 10:00am-4:00pm on Saturday and Sunday.

Midweek operations will be closed following the Thanksgiving weekend, though officials expect to reopen the following weekend.

For more information on the mountain's winter operations, visit