

Boise bars switch to online amid closures

and last updated

Boise mayor Lauren McLean has ordered for bars and restaurants to close for 30 days. This order has followed the lead of many cities who have done the same thing in an attempt to stop the spread of coronavirus.

Many establishments are having to quickly adapt to the change in order to keep business going. They have shifted to online platforms where the customer can choose the option for either pick up or delivery. Places such as Boise Brewing and Meriwether Cider are just a couple of locations that are remaining open and serving their customers digitally.

Boise Brewing will allow for pickup 12:00pm-6:00pm with delivery only for 4:00-6:00pm. Meriwether will be have their to-go hours be Tuesday-Sunday 2:00pm-8:00pm.

Josh Letsinger, the marketing director for Boise Brewing and Molly Leadbetter, co owner of Meriwether Cider both stated how it has been a tough adjustment to online. Both acknowledged how it happened very quickly and that it is new for both companies, yet they are doing the most the can to make it work.

Some businesses however aren't faced with this issue because they are already primarily an online service. Chip Cookies is one of those businesses who is very much used to selling their products online, so what precautions are they taking?

Manager Joshua Cordova discussed how they're practicing social distancing and cleaning up consistently inside the shop. The shop has also stopped accepting cash, customers can only use debit or credit to reduce contact and potentially spread germs. Cashiers must also wear gloves when in contact with the register to ensure fellow co workers do not get sick.

Boise Brewing and Meriwether have also been practicing the CDC guidelines in terms of hygiene to guarantee limited exposure to patrons and colleagues.

The first full week of this 30 day closure has begun and an area of concern for all local businesses is to whether or not they can sustain a profit and stay afloat.

Molly Leadbetter stated, "We are everything that keeps this city running, and so just make sure you’re supporting them so that they can get through these times. I don't know how long it will last it’s so important because we need them all to reopen”

Local businesses are encouraging the people of Boise to stay engaged online and on social media to see what other assistance they may need.