

Boise celebrates Elks Lodge rich history


Elks from all over the Gem State gathered in Boise Saturday to celebrate the Elks Lodge's 150 years of history.  Elk memories adorn the walls. Many are memories of current members and some of the members who have passed. On Saturday, about 50 men and women packed the Boise Elks Lodge as a way to honor their own and reminisce.

Susie Stertz was one of the first women inducted into the group back in 1999.

"I wanted to become a part of it because my dad was. He was initiated back in 1955," said Stertz.

Stertz would go on to help create several vital programs throughout the years.

Saturday's host and former President Mike Stagner said volunteers like Stertz are what keeps this group going.

 "I think the Elks are unique because we are all volunteers," said Stagner. 

The group works with people of all ages and backgrounds.

One of the group's most notable accomplishment is scholarships raising millions of dollars nationwide.

"We raise money for many different programs," said Stertz.

From youth to veterans the group helps build the community from the ground up. 

"From building food banks to outreach programs. We have many programs to help our communities grow and better place for our citizens," said Stagner.

Stertz said the Jolly Corkers had come a long way and she is proud to be a member. 

"I hope that this is a legacy that my children will follow," said Stertz.