
Boise Fire Department rescues drunk man stuck in a pipe

Posted 3:38 AM, Jul 31, 2017
and last updated 2:37 PM, Jul 31, 2017

The Boise Fire Department Rescued a drunk man who got stuck in a pipe Sunday morning. It happened at a construction site near State and Roe at around 3:20 AM.

Fire fighters say the man was wandering around the construction site when he noticed a vertical corrugated pipe 28" in diameter. He decided to climb up and inside the pipe and then jumped into the pipe and went completely underwater which appeared to be 10-15 feet down from the opening. 

Rescuers say after swimming to the surface he was able to lodge his knees and arms against the pipe walls to avoid submerging and screaming for help. Amazingly, someone heard his cries for help and was able to flag down a motorist who called 911.

Crews cut the plastic pipe down to lower the pipe opening, then lowered down their ice rescue rope with a large carabiner. They were then able to hoist the victim back up the pipe. No word if the victim sustained any injuries.