

Boise man arrested for child porn

and last updated

 A Boise man is in the Ada County Jail after police reportedly found pornographic images of a child on his computer.

"Boise Police officers, with assistance from the United States Marshal’s Greater Idaho Fugitive Task Force and the Ada County Sheriff’s Office, arrested Randy Corbett at a home on the 2400 block of West Cherry around 4:15 p.m. Thursday,” said Boise Police spokeswoman Hayley Williams. She said Corbett was arrested without incident.

The crimes allegedly occurred in 2013, at Corbett’s residence, Williams stated.

Corbett faces five felony charges of sexual exploitation of a child.

Corbett was arrested on a felony warrant from the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force.

Williams said all five charges relate to the same victim.

No further information was available.