

Boise Names Interim Director of Office of Police Accountability (OPA)

Nicole Schafer
and last updated

BOISE, Idaho — Effective today, Mayor Lauren McLean named Nicole Schafer the Interim Director of the Office of Police Accountability (OPA). Mayor McLean consulted with Council Members Elaine Clegg, Holli Woodings and Jimmy Hallyburton, who serve as council oversight to OPA, in making the assignment.

Schafer currently serves as Criminal Prosecution Senior Manager in the City Attorney’s office, representing the city in Ada County Court cases. Her responsibilities include the training and supervision of the city’s 16 criminal attorneys, screening and charging cases that come for review and is actively involved in training local law enforcement.

“Nicole has years of experience as a prosecutor,” said Mayor McLean. “She is well versed in appropriate police conduct and guidelines. In addition, she brings a steady and professional demeanor to her work. I am confident she will serve OPA and the community well.”

Schafer is a 25-year career prosecutor who has worked in Canyon County, the Idaho Attorney General’s office, and the City Attorney’s office. She has been involved in officer training and was a frequent instructor at the POST Academy. Schafer will serve in this role in addition to her current responsibilities until a permanent director is in place.