

Boise Parks and Recreation planning summer camps around high temperatures


BOISE, Idaho — The City of Boise Parks and Recreation department is preparing it's summer camps for this week's heat.

Forecasts for Boise have climbed over 100 degrees Fahrenheit for Tuesday and Friday this week. Triple digit temperatures mean summer camps run by the city will look to use indoor alternative facilities in order to provide a cooler place for children.

The department will move their camps to places like the gym of the Fort Boise Community Center where the camp counselors have indoor programming ready for the kids in order to provide a similar camp experience.

"When we get into that triple digit range, then we just let parents know we will be going to that inside location for that day," Parks and Recreation Director Doug Holloway said. "And in the case of what could be this week, several days could end up being indoor alternate activities."

Even before the heat gets to that 100-degree mark, camps try to use shaded areas as much as possible while also promoting regular water intake and sunscreen use.

Holloway said safety is always the department's top priority.

"We’ll be really smart with what we’re doing with our participants and safety and the care of our participants is number one," Holloway said. "We’ll never do anything that is going to in any way jeopardize the health of any of our kids."

Holloway added each child deals with heat differently and parents always have the choice to keep their children at home.