

Boise Police issues reminders about float season parking and safety ahead of the holiday weekend

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BOISE, Idaho — A lot of people will be headed to the Boise River this weekend to stay cool and celebrate the 4th of July. The Boise Police Department has a few reminders to help keep the river and nearby parks and neighborhoods clean and enjoyable for everyone.

Parking information

Anyone floating the Boise River is asked to park in designated parking areas, including at Barber Park and Ann Morrison Park. Do not park in nearby neighborhoods as your vehicle could be cited and/or towed. All "no parking" areas are marked and will be monitored throughout the float season.

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Cars parked in no parking zone along S. Eckert Road

“We appreciate people taking the time to consider their transportation and parking plans before heading out,” said Lieutenant Mike Ruffalo. “Floating the river can be a great family activity and we ask people do their best to be dropped off or carpool, and respect the people living in the neighborhoods nearby.”

The 4th of July Fireworks Celebration in Ann Morrison Park on Sunday will limit parking operations. The shuttle service will be operating throughout the day, with the last shuttle scheduled at 7:30 p.m. For more information about floating the river on the 4th of July, click here.

Parking at Barber Park is available on a first-come, first-served basis for $7 a day. If the parking lot is full, plan to park for free in Ann Morrison Park or coordinate a drop-off, especially on Sunday. If you park in Ann Morrison, you can take a shuttle up to Barber Park to start the float.

Monday through Friday, the shuttles leave Ann Morrison every hour on the hour. On the weekends and all holidays, the shuttle leaves Ann Morrison about every 20 minutes.

The air stations at Barber Park are not operational this year and people should plan accordingly. BPD also asks people to avoid trespassing on private property when filling up rafts and walking to the river.

Trash reminders

The Boise Parks and Recreation Department is reminding everyone who uses the river to clean up after themselves. Maintenance teams are working hard to empty the trash cans at the take-out and along the float route, but due to high usage, the trash cans are filling up quickly. BPD is asking everyone to do their part and make sure trash ends up in a can or is carried out with you.

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River safety

Signs have been added along the Boise River to help floaters with identifying their location when on the river. The signs and mile marker information are meant to be a reference point to help emergency crews find people who need help if the situation arises.

If you do need to call 911 for help when floating the river, make note of the orange milepost marker closest to your location and any other nearby features, including bridges.

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SE 0.5 mile marker sign

It is illegal to jump from, throw or drop any object from any bridge, tree or other landscape features into the Boise River within 50 feet of any boater, floater, rafter or tuber.