

Boise "Rocks!", card-making group comes together in act of kindness

Boise rocks
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BOISE, Idaho — What started as a Facebook post asking for painted rocks to lift up someone’s day turned into dozens of rocks and cards from complete strangers.

June Quintieri was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, a type of cancer in February of 2019. Since then, she's undergone chemo, radiation and even a period where her cancer stopped getting worse. About a week ago, June's daughter Angela Dixon thought her mom could use a pick-me-up.

"I belong in a couple of the rock groups on Facebook and I posted and I asked the ladies, 'Do you have any that have butterflies?' because those are her favorite. I thought maybe a few ladies would let me buy a couple of rocks, I had no idea it would end up being 20–24 or 25 rocks. And they’re still coming," Angela said.

Boise rocks

The posts in the rock groups got the attention of another group: Because Kindness, a group that makes handmade cards, each with a unique personal note.

"The first I got were five cards, the next I got 17," June said.

Kindness Matters cards

The rocks and cards started showing up around the same time about a week ago and they’re coming from all over, including Maryland, Georgia, Ohio, Minnesota, Washington, Nevada and Arizona.

Angela made sure the painted rocks and homemade cards were a surprise for her mom.

June said when she started getting the rocks and cards, she got emotional.

“I started crying because it’s, it’s very thoughtful,” she said.

None of the people who sent the rocks and cards wanted recognition, payment, or a thank you, but June wishes she could do something to thank them.

“Very thankful for the people who do this,” she said.

Now, June has the rocks spread out throughout her house and yard so she can walk around her house throughout the day looking at them. She has the cards in a basket, so she can look at them and read the messages written inside whenever she wants to as a reminder to never lose hope.