

Boise Salvation Army is in need of food donations


BOISE, Idaho — Throughout the week the Salvation Army packs and gives away food boxes to those in need.

Every first Friday clients have the opportunity to get fresh produce for their household.

“The financial crises that we're in kind of the recession or what they want to call it. A lot of working families are struggling right now so food is in high demand so we're glad to be providing opportunities like this as well as food boxes throughout the month,” says Major Thomas Stambaugh.

In the month of June, the Salvation Army helped more than 700 families, which is around 1500 people.

With such a growing need the Salvation Army urgently needs donations

"Kids are out of school so they're not at school eating lunches and we already know when you go grocery shopping you get less food for the dollar and so these kinds of things help stretch family budgets," says Major Stambaugh.

According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, grocery prices have increased almost 6 percent from last year.

As food prices rise these boxes are sometimes the only resource keeping families from going hungry.

Lisa Perry receives boxes from the Salvation Army every month. She says due to her limited income these boxes are more than beneficial. “It's been a lot of help because you don't get a lot of disabilities, so you have to watch what you spend. And so, it's really tight towards the end of the month so this helps me out with food,” Perry says.

The Salvation Army has seen a ten percent increase in the need for food.

If you have the means to help, the best way to give is by monetary donations, the donations are then used to buy meat, canned food, and other items.

Perry says, “With this produce and everything its helped, and then I can bag some of it up then freeze it so I can have something later on.”

The food pantry is open Tuesday through Thursday 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. and Fridays 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at 9492 W. Emerald Street in Boise. To learn more about the Salvation Army and how you can donate or volunteer click here. you can visit