

Boise School District meeting amid concerns that it mishandled accusations against employees

Fairmont Junior High School former principal is facing federal lawsuit, and a Timberline teacher's family questions why she was placed on leave after bringing concerns to light at her school
and last updated

No comment tonight from the Boise School District Public Information Officer Dan Hollar regarding the Idaho News 6 story about a new federal lawsuit alleging negligence at Fairmont Jr. High.

RELATED | Federal lawsuit accuses Boise School District, former principal of negligence, failing to report abuse

Meanwhile, the husband of a teacher at another Boise school, who says she spoke out to protect at-risk students, was at this meeting. Mike Boulton's wife Laura, a teacher at Timberline High School, is on unpaid leave during an investigation into her actions.

We've talked to Laura Boulton before, she says she was placed on leave for bringing up concerns about inappropriate activity with students at her school. Her husband says he tried to ask questions of the board at their meeting Monday night.

RELATED | Former student speaks up in defense of suspended teacher

"I tried politely to interrupt as little as I could to get five minutes to ask three questions. I was shut down probably within seven seconds," says Boulton.

Idaho News 6's Roland Beres tried to ask questions of the board regarding their hiring practices, in general, and was told there would not be discussion, because it didn't meet the board's qualifications for testimony.

Outside the meeting, Boulton says his family is holding up through the controversy. "I'll say it's been tough, it's been hard for Laura," explains Mike Boulton. "I feel bad for what's happening to her. But in all honesty, she's meant for this. She's there to advocate for the kids."

Boulton says his wife apologized in letter form to 15 colleagues she may have offended with her actions. But he says the district won’t reveal any names and no one has come forward publicly with complaints against her.

"That's the most frustrating thing is we're chasing after phantom complaints," says Boulton, "We don't know where they're coming from."

The school district released a written statement at the meeting saying in recent years it has instituted a number of measures to protect student well being and safety including improved sexual harassment and grooming identification training.

All this comes amid student walkouts at Timberline High in support of Boulton, and a newly filed federal lawsuit claiming the district and principal at Fairmont Junior High failed to act about reports of a counselor's improper relationship with a student there.

Count on Idaho News 6 to continue working these stories and bring you any updates as we get them.