

Boise School District to kick-off Kindness Initiative

Posted 4:32 PM, Sep 24, 2019
and last updated 4:33 PM, Sep 24, 2019

BOISE, Idaho — Promoting kindness through a simple message of “Start with Hello” is the focus of the first-ever Kindness Carnival in the Boise School District. From 12:45 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, hundreds of students will gather at Boise's Camel's Back Park to participate in what school district officials are calling a “major kindness initiative.”

The Kindness Carnival is being held in partnership with the Boise Kind Initiative. “Boise Kind is a collaborative initiative between the City of Boise, community members, business leaders and non-profits aimed at protecting and promoting our community’s core values and ensuring that Boise remains a kind and welcoming city,” Boise School District spokesman Dan Hollar explained.

The Kindness Carnival will include a variety of hands-on student activities to promote and encourage schools to spread the message of “Start with Hello”.

“We hope to empower our students, staff and community to create a culture of inclusion that values each individual at our schools,” Hollar said. “This program enables students to make a difference with their peers in a simple, fun, and impactful way by encouraging them to take small but powerful actions to promote connectedness and inclusion, and to identify and help others who are showing signs of social isolation.” \
Upon completion of the kickoff, officials say they will encourage other Boise schools to hold similar "Start With Hello" kindness events during the school year.

The walk to Camel's Back Park will begin at Boise High at 12:45 p.m., with Boise High students picking up North, Longfellow and Washington students along the route on 13th Street. They are scheduled to arrive at the park at 1:30 p.m. to begin the festivities.

The event includes student speakers and speeches by local dignitaries, including Boise Mayor Dave Bieter, Boise School Board Trustee Maria Greeley, and Boise School District Superintendent Coby Dennis.

The event is being organized by students from Boise High, North Jr. High, Longfellow Elementary and Washington Elementary.