

Boise State football players adapt during the pandemic

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BOISE, Idaho — The Boise State campus has been closed because of the COVID-19 pandemic and that has had a big impact on the Boise State football team.

The Broncos would have held their annual spring scrimmage last Saturday, but they weren't able to and the players don't have access to facilities like the weight room.

But the Boise State players are finding creative ways to workout in their homes, garages and many of them have been going for more hikes than usual.

“It just comes down to making the effort now that we don’t have a place that everybody meets up," said Donte Harrington a senior offensive lineman. "It's definitely interesting."

The team is conducting their meetings online mainly in position groups to maintain social distancing.

But at the same time these student-athletes continue to focus on their studies, but that has changed as well.

“Really a lot of my time has been adjusting to online school," said Harrington. " I tend to like being in class a little bit more."

The Broncos are still finding time to help out in the community they volunteered to help in a food drive earlier this week and interacting with them made me wonder how they are spending their free time.

"I guess a great substitute has been video games for me," said Avery Williams a senior defensive back. "There's no sports right now, you don’t ever go through that there is always something going on but everyone needs to stay safe and healthy so we can get through this time a lot quicker.”

A sentiment echoed by Harrington and a a strong statement because when you think about it these young healthy athletes likely have the lowest risk to their own health as it pertains to COVID-19.

"I'm Just trying to make sure not only keeping myself safe and the people I care about, but maybe just the common person that I come into contact with at the grocery store," said Harrington. I'm just trying to make sure everyone’s alright and not trying to harm anyone unintentionally."