BOISE — The well-traveled road to the Old Idaho Penitentiary, Idaho Botanical Garden, Idaho State Archives, and trail access to Table Rock, amongst other sites within the Old Idaho Penitentiary Historic District, will undergo a three-month repair project starting next week.
Beginning Monday, July 22, Old Penitentiary Road from the intersection at Warm Springs to the east end of the Idaho Botanical Garden parking lot will be replaced. “The project will be completed in three different phases and is targeted to conclude in mid-October of 2019,” said Idaho State Historical Society spokesman Mike Breske.
“The first phase of construction, demolition and excavation, will consist of removing the median, discarding of the current road and sidewalk, and grating and leveling the road. Phase two, which is scheduled to begin in mid-August, includes installing new drains, gutters, landscaping, and sidewalks in preparation for the final phase, paving, which is scheduled to begin the first week in October,” Breske explained.
“We recognize the Old Idaho Penitentiary Historic District is an increasingly popular destination for a variety of visitors and accessibility is of the highest priority. There has been a lot of interest from the community in providing an updated road -- and we are happy to announce the project is approved and moving forward as expeditiously as possible,” notes Janet Gallimore, Executive Director of the Idaho State Historical Society.
Officials say all locations within the historic district, including trail access to Table Rock, will be remain open throughout the course of construction; however, visitors should anticipate delays or potentially needing to park farther away from their intended destination. Flaggers and wayfinding signs will assist in drivers navigating the construction throughout the course of the project.
(photo courtesy: Idaho State Historical Society)