BRUNEAU — Bruneau Sand Dunes State Park provides a wide variety of recreational and educational opportunities for people of all ages as Idaho features the largest single structure of sand in North America.
The highest sand dune is 470 feet tall. And while people climbed up and down the dunes, some people chose to ride down the mountain of sand on a sand surfboard while others attempted to sled down.
"Sand surfing is pretty rad," said Clay Johnson. "I love it."
We spotted several different families enjoying the day, as the state park also features two lakes and miles upon miles of hiking and biking opportunities.
There was also a field trip by the Dennis Technical Education Center that brought high school students from all over Boise to learn about this unique desert landscape.
"This is an awesome area. You definitely get a lot of wildlife," said Carlos Becerra. "I just saw a snake that was really cool--we also saw some lizards, some raptors and a lot of insects."
The state park features two campgrounds, as well as a horse camp for those enthusiastic about riding horses around the area.
The dunes also have one of the most unique night skies in the region, and every Friday and Saturday there is a star gazing program that lasts into October where people can check out stars with a 25-inch Newtonian telescope.
For more information on how these Idaho sand dunes were formed, check out the video above.