

BSU's Campus Food Pantry is helping students who suffer from food insecurity


BOISE, Idaho — Food insecurity is on the rise, especially on college campuses.

Boise State's associated student body started its campus food pantry just before the pandemic.

The BSU campus food pantry started when students saw a need for better access to healthy food options for busy students. The pantry outgrew its original space as food insecurity increased among students.

Junior Kyla Harris, a Food Pantry Specialist and BSU Student, was able to get back on her feet after going through financial struggles her first year at BSU because she was fed through the pantry.

“I was kind of panicked thinking I was going to have to drop out, I didn’t really have any resources,” says Harris, “I was one of the students who was really personally impacted by the food pantry.”

“So [when] I started coming to the pantry, and it was like one less thing I had to stress about, like at least I have food,” says Harris.

The campus food pantry says they’ve seen an increase in students coming in as prices of things like groceries and rent went up.

“When they're able to see that Boise State has a resource that they’re able to depend on, it’s sustainable, someplace that they feel comfortable and confident going to.” Emily

Any BSU students, regardless of their financial status, meal plan, or how many classes they're enrolled in, can come to grab items from the Campus Food Pantry. All students need is their student ID.

“People will come in, and be like, ‘Oh my gosh, here’s a picture of this meal I made with stuff from the food pantry.’ And that is the best news to hear,” says Harris.

Pantry specialists say their busiest time is the start of the school year and they are always accepting donations for students.

“Pretty much anything helps with the pantry. I think after everyone moves into their new apartments, they kind of stock up and get their own pantries ready.” says Harris,” Our website has a lot of resources that you can go to and learn more about us.”