

Cleanup underway of big Highway 14 landslide


Crews from West Company Inc. Friday morning began clearing debris and rock from a massive landslide on Idaho 14 west of Elk City. “The priority is to clear a route for safe transport of emergency supplies and limited passage for residents,” said Idaho Transportation Department spokesman Reed Hollinshead.

Ryan West, Vice President of West Company, said crews have “developed a detailed work plan, with the early emphasis on safely, procuring an elevated route through the slide area toward the river side of the road, away from the slide itself. Creating the berm would create a catch basin in case additional material comes down the hillside.”

Crews will also work on reducing the big boulder on the hillside, as well as clearing the top side of the slide, Hollinshead added.

West Company and the Idaho Transportation Department will jointly decide when the road is safe to open.

“All resources are being used to get the road open for the citizens of Elk City,” said ITD north-central District Engineer Dave Kuisti.

“We are working with ITD to get this road open just as soon as it is safe to do so,” West added.