

Community members speak out regarding the eviction of the leaders of the Hispanic Cultural Center of Idaho


NAMPA, Idaho — We continue to hear from community members regarding Monday's eviction of the leaders of the Hispanic Cultural Center of Idaho. On Monday morning, the Hispanic Cultural Centers leadership team was evicted, leaving the City of Nampa to take over the facility.

Nampa mayor Debbie Kling, tells us about what the future plans are for the facility.

"We look forward to working with the Hispanic community. 25 percent of the population is Hispanic, and they play a very important role in our community," said City of Nampa Mayor Debbie Kling.

In court documents, the City of Nampa says it believes the current leadership at the Hispanic Cultural Center did not fulfill and deliver services to the Hispanic community as they agreed to and that they allowed the building to fall into disrepair.

The mayor goes on to say that with the building now under the city's control, they are planning to host committees where community members can share their thoughts on what the Hispanic Cultural Center should look like, and how it should operate.

One of the organizations being asked to provide input is the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.

"The mayor did let us know that they are going to do some work groups and focus groups and really with our Hispanic community on where we can go from here," said Mari Ramos, Operations Director with the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.

But other organizations, like the Hispanic Seniors of Idaho, which host many of their events at the Hispanic Cultural Center, say they are saddened to hear leaders at the Hispanic Cultural Center were removed and they're skeptical about what is to come. 

"I would hate to see you know the current people replaced because we are not sure what we will get," said Judy Otero, with the Hispanic Seniors of Idaho.

The non-profit board evicted from the facility told us their attorney will be presenting a counterclaim in the following days in hopes of regaining control of the facility.

"Our attorney was dealing with the city attorney, and he thought he had more time, and had more time to respond to that complaint,” said Humberto Fuentes, Previous Hispanic Cultural Center of Idaho Director.

The ousted Hispanic Cultural Center administration tells me they are planning a rally at the center on Thursday at 4 pm to hear how the community feels about the recent eviction.