

Company issues statement after employee death

and last updated

The owner of a Caldwell, Idaho company that had an employee die on the clock has issued a statement for the public.

“We are deeply saddened by the death of Francisca (Frances) Gomez, a cherished member of the Crookham Company employee family.  Her passing represents an enormous personal loss to each and every one of us.

Our most heartfelt condolences, thoughts and prayers go to Frances’ family.  Crookham has a 37 year relationship with them and they are now our first priority.

We want also to recognize the valiant efforts of the Crookham employee family who came to Frances’ aid and were unceasing in their efforts.

George W. Crookham

Gomez died on January 20th around 3 pm at the Crookham Company when her hair became entangled in a piece of machinery.

OSHA has launched an investigation into the death and no fines or charges have been filed at this time.