

Die-off of geese in E. Idaho possibly poison

Die-off of geese in E. Idaho possibly poison
and last updated

BOISE, Idaho (AP) -- For the second consecutive year a large die-off of migrating geese has occurred in eastern Idaho and officials say tests indicate poison put on agricultural fields to kill rodents is a possible cause.

The Idaho Department of Fish and Game earlier this week reported that about 335 migrating snow and Ross's geese died in March at Mud Lake and Market Lake Wildlife Management Areas.

Officials say tests on nine geese determined a form of phosphide caused the deaths.

That product is used to coat seeds and in pellet form to kill voles.

About 2,000 geese died at the same two wildlife areas last year and officials initially attributed the deaths to avian cholera.

But later tests found phosphide the cause for most of the birds examined.