

Eagle City Council hears community voices regarding Avimor annexation

Eagle City Council Meeting
Eagle City hall

The city council's March 13 meeting in Eagle City Hall ran well into the night while community members voiced their opinions. The topic: the annexation of Avimor.

The Eagle City Council heard testimony from applicants, concerned citizens and residents of Eagle, on both sides of the issue, until almost midnight.

Those against brought up concerns regarding water, increasing traffic, taxes, unclear finances and potential economic impact, the strain on community services and schools, and overall development.

RELATED | Eagle Planning and Zoning votes 3-1 against recommending for Avimor annexation

Those in support pointed to their concerns of losing control of how the land is developed, complimented historical collaboration between neighboring property owners and the Avimor developers and expressed approval for plans for open spaces and trailways with public access.

About 50 people offered testimony, with many others giving their opinion of being for or against the annexation without testifying.

With several remaining pages and requests to testify, the council decided to end the meeting for the night and resume at a later date.

They will reconvene with continued oral and written testimony on March 27 at a special Eagle City Council meeting at Eagle City Hall.

The council will continue to accept written testimony until the next hearing.

Representatives of Avimor have stated that the development will continue whether or not the annexation is approved.

To see the meeting in its entirety, go to