

Eagle tennis facility coming soon


A lonely tennis net was the only sign for the past two years that a major tennis club planned to come to Eagle. But now the net is gone and the indoor tennis facility is going up.

We give you a closer look at how the Eagle Tennis Club is taking shape and why it took so long to get here. It's been a long time coming, but the Eagle Tennis Club is going up.

"We're going vertical," said Kara Hoge, the brainchild behind the club which was supposed to be finished in the spring of 2014, but the scale of the project was too much.

"It's just a huge project and it we were going to try and do it all at once with all the amenities, and it was so difficult to fund that we went back to phases," said Hoge.

So phase one is now underway. A huge building to house 12 courts, a restaurant and fitness center.

Ironically, we haven't had much snow in the past few years, but just when they got started with construction, we got plenty of snow. And it's put the project about a month behind schedule. But it's expected to be finished by March, bringing a large, quality indoor tennis facility to the west end of the valley.

"We'll have AC and heat," said Hoge. "No other club has that in the area so people can play year round."

There are 4,500 USTA members in the Treasure Valley and only 18 indoor courts. That will change dramatically next spring.