

Early donations for Idaho Gives start


It's the twenty-four hour event that brings non-profits and communities from all over the state to celebrate and donate: Idaho Gives day will take place May 5 and once again Six On Your Side is proud to be the media sponsor.

In just three years, Idaho Gives has raised more than $2.3 million for all sorts of non-profits across Idaho. This year, event managers hope to see more non-profits participate and bigger donation pools coming in.

Erin Huttow is counting down the days before Idaho Gives launches for the fourth year in a row. She’s the program director for the Idaho Non-Profit Center, which puts on the event. The day of giving has caught fire and grown exponentially in such a short time.

"The growth each year has been tremendous,” said Huttow. “We have had so many more non-profits get involved, community partners, sponsors, and just the general public."

This year, organizers want to give as much opportunity for people to donate as possible. So starting Tuesday, April 5th you'll be able to "pre-donate" online.

"It's a really great way to support organizations you're familiar with and also look up a few news ones as well," said Huttow.

Just like you would on the day of Idaho Gives, you can search for non-profits you'd like to support and with a simple click donate.

"I think it's a great chance to look and just see what is going on within your individual communities and see new non-profits that have just come together or see ones that have been in the community for a long time," Huttow said.

Every non-profit has a page where you can learn more about them and their work. Registration for those organizations closes this Friday and - with early donations – Huttow is encouraging non-profits to fill in their pages soon.

With all the tools and resources featured this year, Idaho Gives is shaping up to set new records across the board.

"We do hope to grow,” said Huttow. “We hope to get more than last year - more people, more involvement, more people just excited about the things non-profits in Idaho do."

A unique hallmark of Idaho Gives is bonus cash non-profits can win for things like most unique donations, or a random golden ticket drawing. The cash pool for those awards will be announced in the coming weeks.

For more information, go to